Thursday 21 November 2013

A Blog - Wh(Y)??!!

I'm Ciara, I am 28 years old.  Born in 1984 (OMG !!) means I only very technically fall into the Gen Y category (I know, I wiki'd it). 

I really am more of a Gen(wh)Y??!

I will be honest. Until recently, I thought meme was pronounced "me-me" (really), and my first real smartphone also now looks like this:

 And, despite my best efforts I still don't fully understand what a #hashtag actually does... it is safe to say I am fairly technologically inept.

Much like anything to do with engaging with social media in anything-more-involved-than-Facebook I was not initially thrilled at the prospects of creating a blog for a University subject.

Truth be told I realise that this is the way the world is moving, but I still really haven't got a lot of interest in twitter feeds, bloggers or instagramming my life to the world. I do however recognise this as an increasingly necessary work/life skill, and am currently taking action to improve my abilities, if only for work related purposes - and, maybe to feel a bit more 'in' than out-of-date!

So, after several hours of Facebook and YouTube based procrastination I finally bit the bullet... If you can't beat 'em, join 'em they say (and, uni says I need to join in order to be graded!)

I love a good rant.  And if this is another way to do it, I am prepared to go all in. Who knows, I may become converted?!

So, here are some thoughts, occasional rants, and some insightful/educational (attempts) on the media and technologies used and loved today by my generation, and the social implications incurred. I hope this blog will be a little entertaining, thought provoking, educational and also self-helpful in my quest to become less rubbish/confused with social media. 

Wish me luck!!


  1. Hello Ciara,

    I love your use of pictures to demonstrate how you feel...for most of us i think this is our first attempt at blogging and it is going to be a great learning experience and some fun along the way...great first post, look forward to reading many more :D

  2. Thanks Michael :)
    About to get started on the next one tonight!
